Inspiring keynotes on creativity and innovation

Inspire mic

BEDENK aims to set the right tone straight from the start of each project. Show your people you mean business and you really want to get things moving. 

We like to start with a playful and interactive energizer. Everyone should feel at ease. And involved at the same time. 

Next step is to let participants experience things can, and must be done differently. We do this on the basis of concrete examples, preferably from their own practice. 

At the end, the participants will feel a strong 'desire' to start, to engage in action. They are convinced they are allowed to take initiative, and their input is really wanted.

We conclude with a clear 'call to action'. From 'lay back and enjoy the ride' to 'fasten your seat belts, here we go'. 


The creative professional keynote

Boost your individual creative skills

During this highly interactive keynote you discover how creativity works in a business environment. You learn the importance of business creativity and how you can use it to come up with more and better ideas every day.

We focus on the 5 most important skills that you can develop to make your personal creativity flourish. We give you insights into your pitfalls and get started with light, fun exercises that give you energy.


The innovative team keynote

Create innovative teams

During this interactive keynote you will discover the parameters of teams that successfully innovate time and time again. What can we learn from them? And how do we become successful innovators ourselves?

We focus on the most important aspects you can work on as a team to maximize the joint innovative output.

We give you insight into the typical pitfalls of teams and let you personally experience how things can be done differently and better.


future proof leadership keynote

Future proof leadership

"It is not the creative leader's role to come up with all ideas," said Sir Ken Robinson, "his job is to create the circumstances in which others can come up with those ideas."

During this keynote you discover what you, as a manager, can do to get more and better ideas from your people. Which leadership style do you apply best? And what are the pitfalls?

Based on the evidence-based Cromax model, we focus on the most important aspects that you as a manager should pay attention to:

  • Give direction
  • Stimulate creativity 
  • Forward-looking decisions


Embedding an innovation culture keynote

9 steps towards a future-proof innovation culture

The changes in the market are increasing exponentially. Companies must come along. After all, standing still is going backwards. But many organizations struggle with this new speed and do not know where to start.

During this interactive keynote you discover how you can map out that innovation culture. And what can you then do to work on that culture.

Based on the evidence-based Cromax model, we let you discover what the most important parameters are for a sustainable innovation culture.

We give you insights into the most common pitfalls and show you on the basis of inspiring practical examples how things can be done differently and better.



Contact us!

Curious about the creative possibilities in your organisation? Or are you facing a challenge and do you need our help? Please contact us, we like to come over for coffee!